The Benefits of Nonhuman Primate Research

Since the early 1900s, animal research has played an important role in most of the world’s major medical advances. Monkeys and apes are often the last and most critical link between basic research and human clinical application. The similarity of nonhuman primates to humans in genetic makeup, behavior and organ system function provides medical researchers an unparalleled opportunity to understand, treat and prevent human disease.

Medical accomplishments attributed to nonhuman primate research in the last century include the cures for and/or advancement in the treatment of: Typhoid fever. Mumps. Rheumatoid arthritis. Polio. Cancer chemotherapy. Yellow fever. German measles. Corneal transplants.  Cyclosporine and anti-rejection drugs. Depression, anxiety and phobias. Parkinson's disease. HIV and AIDs. Diabetes. Alzheimer's. Clearly, the benefits of nonhuman primate research to the well-being of the world’s human population are varied and many. The scientific and medical communities could not do what they do without them.

The experienced and caring staff at AGI is dedicated to conducting humane research with nonhuman primates to advance knowledge in primate biology and to address human health concerns.

If you have questions or would like to place an order, please e-mail AGI at or call toll-free 866.789.MONK (6665).